Intensive interior design "S.O.S." call,
that solves the given problem with a high dose of professional knowledge.
Online home design advice
Ideal layout, space requirements
furniture styles choice & combination
application of feng shui principles
improving lighting conditions, choosing lamps
designing an ergonomic kitchen plan
Time required: 2 hours
Package price: 26 000 HUF
Your tasks:
Fill in the form below!
Attach a floor plan! (If you don't have one, you'll have to dimension it yourself, so download this guide: What and how to measure?)
I will contact you to clarify possible dates, payment terms and other information.
Join the meeting using the link provided!

Beneficial solution for introverts
Inward-looking people, more than outgoing people, need a quiet haven to recharge.
They tend to be more self-sufficient than their extroverted peers, as they are less likely to seek external help.
I should know, because I would be one myself, and almost everyone in my close circle of friends. We attract each other ;)
Why this is good for you:
you don't have to let strangers into your personal space, you draw the boundaries (you can attend the meeting with the camera turned off)
you don't have to prepare for the date, you won't have the stress of "UARrghh, I have to go out in public!"
no pressure, I'm not a door-to-door salesman (it's just 1 consultation, nothing is mandatory)